Infantas Bestiarium


500 x 300 x 200 cm; mixed technique; This is the last work of Maria Pinińska-Bereś. It consists of 6 elements.


Photo by Oskar Hanusek


Photography Studio of the National Museum in Wrocław (Arkadiusz Podstawka)


“Soap Bubbles” exhibition, curator Jerzy Hanusek, BWA Opole, 9/10-11/11. 2020, photo: Maciej Węgrzyn


“Soap Bubbles” exhibition, curator Jerzy Hanusek, BWA Opole, 9/10-11/11. 2020, photo: Uta Hanusek


Elements of the Infanta’s Bestiary


Infanta’s pony – 120 x 60 x 120 cm; welded wire, plywood, wheels, fabric


Photo by Uta Hanusek


Infanta’s Dog – 80 x 50 x 100 cm; welded wire, plywood, wheels, leather

Photo by Uta Hanusek


Infanta’s parrot (hanging object) – 110 x 70 x 55 cm, welded wire, bow, polychrome


Photo by Uta Hanusek


Infanta’s s-core – 125 x 60 x 75 cm; metal, plywood, welded wire, fabric, sponge ball


Photo by Uta Hanusek


Infanta’s fish – 32 x 35 x 60 cm; glass, welded wire


Photo by Uta Hanusek


Infanta’s lizard (with stone) – 35 x 40 x 35 cm; stone, welded wire


copyright Fundacja im. Marii Pinińskiej-Bereś i Jerzego Beresia, 2022 | made by studio widok
