Lap of Honour

15 XI 1975

The Old Town Market Square in Zamość
the manifestation accompanied the “sculpture exhibition” at the Labirynth gallery


Manifestation description:


The Old Town Square in Zamość. November 15, 1975, 3:30 p.m., temperature around zero. Jerzy Bereś walks out into the empty Old Town Square in Zamość. He chooses a convenient spot for his “Action.” He places a small stump there and around it he writes with green paint the inscription ALTAR OF CREATION, next to it he puts a big axe. In a moment the “Altar of Creation” will become the focal point of the ‘Round of Honour”. Bereś leaves the square, enters the premises of the BWA Gallery. After a few minutes, he comes out of it again. Now he is naked, only his hips are covered by two boards with the inscription BEREŚ. He pushes the “Symbolic Wheelbarrow.” It is a large wooden structure consisting of a “Wheel” cut from an irregular tree trunk and a large board bearing the inscription SYMBOLIC WHEELBARROW 1975. The end of the board is cut into the shape of handles, on the sides four long poles are stuck to which a rectangle of gray fabric – canopy like is tied. Bereś approaches the “Altar of Creation.” A growing crowd of people surrounds him.  The “Round of Honor” around the ‘Altar of Creation’ becomes a strenuous making his way through this crowd, which parting marks a large natural circle. In the center there is the “Altar.” The manager of the BWA Gallery in Zamość introduces the artist. Bereś sets the “Wheelbarrows” on the perimeter of the circle and turns them 180 degrees. From now on, the “Wheelbarrows” become a tool for producing “souvenirs.” The fabric now lying on the ground reads SOUVENIR, and the back of the board reads PRINT AND TAKE! A large wooden stamp with an outline of a face and the word FACE is used for printing. The stamp is soaked in ink and then a print is made on A-4 size paper. The first few “souvenirs” are printed by Bereś himself,  other “souvenirs” can be made by anyone on their own. Bereś approaches the “Altar of Creation.” He chops down the stump, sets fire to it and burns his “wooden clothes.” Lasting for about 20 minutes, the “Action” ends. Bereś leaves the market square. He enters the premises of the BWA Gallery. The production of souvenirs continues (Andrzej Mroczek).



Photo by Zdzisław Dados







copyright Fundacja im. Marii Pinińskiej-Bereś i Jerzego Beresia, 2022 | made by studio widok
